We have helped 76 families so far this year!
New Website
We rolled out a brand new website this month! Carson’s Village has come a long way since it first began, and this new website will allow us to continue to grow and better support families. You can check it out at https://carsonsvillage.org/
We also released a new video to help spread the word about Carson’s Village.
On November 2nd, one of our Villagers, Donnie Griffin, hosted a golf tournament benefiting Carson’s Village. Thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered, the tournament raised over $20,000!
During this holiday season, we want to genuinely express how thankful we are for you. Carson’s Village would not be where it’s at without your continued support. We want to wish you a happy holiday season and end to 2018!
It’s that time of year again.
As you’re preparing to score some amazing holiday deals, please remember that by shopping through Amazon Smile, you can benefit Carson’s Village.
Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support our mission, at no cost to you. The Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Carson’s Village. All you need to do is designate Carson’s Village as your charity and use smile.amazon.com every time you shop on Amazon.