Choosing Help

Someone you love has died and you are facing so many emotions, and complicated decisions.  It may be time to give yourself the gift of talking to a professional.  

Ask yourself some of these fundamental questions:  

  • Can you identify what you need to work on? For example, the death, mourning, depression, decisions, shock, the future, your relationships etc.
  • Do you have insurance coverage that would help with therapy?
  • Are you able to pay out of pocket? 

The two main professions that can be helpful are coaches and therapistsBoth coaches and therapists who have training in bereavement and grief issues can be helpful.  


  • Focused on the present and future
  • Behavior oriented
  • They do not accept insurance
  • Short term counseling  


  • Therapists tend to focus on exploring some part of the past
  • May have training in specific modalities such as Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD), Depression and Grief and Bereavement training
  • Trained to recognize triggers, boundaries, and health issues
  • They must have a degree from an accredited institution and be licensed by the state to practice
  • Generally, accepts insurance 

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