I can remember thinking about the life I was going to lead. It was just a shadow, but it was there and it was teasing me. I couldn’t quite see the details, but I could feel the excitement. The big job that I would get, that first HUGE (just to me) paycheck and the sense of freedom and adventure that was around the corner. There was a wife and kids that would change my view of life and give me a whole new purpose. I have had an AWESOME life. It has been full of great friends (ask me about my Aggie bus), telling bad dad jokes to my three boys (I love it when they roll their eyes), big adventures (driving into Mexico to kayak 5 rivers), wonderful trips (Europe) and all the family moments in the middle.
Then on April 28, 2017, my life took a turn I never could have imagined. My 11-year-old son committed suicide. It shattered me. Every day I still struggle with life without him. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes. Yet out of that tragedy, I want to build a legacy in his name that will outlive me and my family.
Carson was a sixth grader, a strong student and wonderful friend to everyone. We were blindsided and unprepared when he took his own life. We were fortunate to have our family, our Aggie bus family, my AT&T family, and our friends reach out and create a support system around us as we faced the initial days after Carson’s death.
April and I immediately knew we had to pay forward the generosity given to us and create something that could help others dealing with the sudden loss of a loved one. That was the genesis of Carson’s Village.
Carson’s Village is the first of its kind 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the nation to provide help families navigate the difficult decisions leading up to the funeral of a loved one.
We have helped 71 families this year. We started out in North Texas, but since being registered with the Texas 2-1-1 system, we have had calls from across the state and the country. We are currently working with various police departments, the US military, and healthcare systems across the state.
Carson’s Village can’t bring back my son, but I hope that we can do some good in his name. While I know that giving is very personal, please consider giving through payroll deduction to Carson’s Village so that we can help those families that don’t have anyone else to call.
Thank you for your support,
Jason Dyke