Six Things to Help Heal When Grief is New

Six Things to Help You Heal When Grief is New

Robert Zucker

Please remember, as you read this, to trust yourself and to take time to find your own way.

Seek Out Your Friends and Family

 Look inside your heart and choose what form of support feels right for you. Remember that your journey does not have to be made alone, and friends and family are there for you.

Give Yourself Permission to Change

 Our Deepest Losses Change Us Forever.

Sometimes this feels unbearable, be patient with yourself in finding courage to discover who you are becoming.

Find Your Safe Haven

A safe haven is a place where it is okay to be yourself, where you do not have to put on a happy face, and where any feeling you have is acceptable, and where your unique style of grieving is appreciated.

Show Your Loved Ones What You Need

 Many families discover that members have opposing needs – Listen to one another with an open heart, and support and encourage one another to get what each of you needs – even, and especially when your needs seem incompatible.

Cultivate Your Strengths

 Grief tends to disarm us; we may minimize or even forget about the strengths and coping skills that we’ve counted on in the past. This painful experience can offer us opportunities to take stock of who we are and what special qualities we bring to this very difficult challenge.

Find a Support System

 May new strengths emerge for you out of your sadness and may these strengths contribute to your learning and your growth. 

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